In the spirit of helping the cause one LAST PINK SATURDAY, here my PLEA for your help!
As a survivor of BOTH Breast Cancer and Domestic Violence I am hoping to raise another $100 this weekend for the causes. Whether you donate a dollar and email me your pledge or make a purchase and I donate 10% in your name to the MARY KAY ASH Foundation BE SURE TO DONATE to the PINK and PURPLE RIBBONS! to purchase skin care or glamour and 10% of your purchase is donated on your behalf! to make a pledge
I will giveaway a $50.00 gift basket entry chance to everyone who donates. For every $10 you donate you will have an entyr to win my giftbasket of glamour and skincare or choose a holiday surprise gift basket of special items.
In honor of a close frined this week who celebrated a birthday and was instrumental in my recovery from domestic violence, I wrote a poem.
Happy Birthday! As I reflect on the years I have known you and our friendship blossomed I wrote this poem. I have only of myself to give, and thus hope you will accept my gift of poetry for your birthday. May the Lord Bless you and keep you healthy and safe from harm.
Once A Friend, Always…
Once in a million there comes a friend
Who touches your life forever; such are you.
It might be the gentle nature of one’s words or
The calming effect one has as the words you express
Consoling and soothing my troubled heart and restless mind.
You are such a friend, who has breathed life
Back into an empty soul and rejuvenated youth.
Without the encouragement of your kind ways,
The constant guidance over poor choices being made
And sustaining me, standing beside me, leading
Me to the true resolution of my fears,
I would never have had the courage to overcome
The many adversities, which have plagued me… throughout
These troubled years; granted, I not always willing to listen…
Until recently, I still viewed myself deficient and unworthy
Of another’s love or friendship; I could not find ways to love myself.
The depths of the darkness in which I hid destroyed my spirit.
They locked away the sunshine I once embraced…
Bright rays of hope began to push through my locked soul
Opening the door to my recovery; baby steps at first, I took,
And sometimes two forward and it seems 6 backwards at times.
Yet through it all, you stood by me with encouragement
Never quitting or giving up on me even when I did myself.
It is what I needed, to realize of my own volition what I must do…
Funny how no matter how another might want you to change,
That it must come from within oneself, enduring the pain
As you stand by, awaiting the rebirth of a lost soul…
Forlorn, hapless, and hopeless… I chose to ignore my friends.
Shattered dreams like broken shards of glass stabbed my heart
Piercing my mind with the turmoil I lived through, unknown to most,
Even you, know not all the hidden secrets, masked behind my smile.
To reveal some would crush your faith in me to endure and persevere
They will lay silent forever; some words are better left unheard,
Too painful to surface, drowning in a pool of salty tears they shall stay.
Yet still I have faith and confidence that justice will prevail…
Hopes of a better life, envelopes my reborn heart, troubled mind, and lost soul.
New, brighter beginnings shall shine down on me and wash away my tears
And I will gather my flocks of shepherds close, as they guide and lead me to life eternal.
I will no longer fear, evil or mankind, the atrocities afflicted upon me washed away,
And rejoin the daily walk of life as a free spirited butterfly, soaring to high goals
Rejoicing in another chance to make a difference in this world of ours,
Touching other lost souls, broken hearts and troubled minds with kindness.
Valrie - Poems My WAy 10/23/2010
Domestic violence is not always visible, broken bones heal, broken hearts, minds and soul take much longer , if ever to heal.
This friend stood by me, platonically, nurtured me and never doubted me. Through the loving perseverance of this friend, I came out of my shell and was able to move forward, until my health overcame me once again (the health issue was directly related to the domestic violence inflicted on me, morally, psychologically and physically.
Additionally, breast cancer awareness is a passion of mine. A survivor now of 10 years, my sister-in-law also recovered in the last 2 years from severe breast cancer, and now my sweetheart's mom at 77, who celebrated her 60 th wedding anniversary on Friday courageously battles breast cancer with the courage and love to overcome her plight. She told her doctors of the lump and was told "not to worry!" 6 months now into chemotherapy, surgery, and now a mimimum of 36 consecutive radiation rounds, in her golden years she battles for her life with the tenacity of a 21 year old. Her love for her invalid husband brings tears to your eyes and touches your heart for all eternity. WIth no regard to her own predicament, she dotes on her husband, breathing life into him, and therefore herself.
Breast cancer hurts, I know. Loss of life hurts more. Both domestic violence and Breast Cancer takes and costs lives of those we love and hold dear. PLEASE help the cause, and donate a dollar today! Payments via paypal and tax receipts available. EMAIL me here for details and the address to send your donation or paypal data.
Together, UNITED, even $1 WILL make a difference when multiplied!
Also please do not forget my charity CANS FOR COOKIES US TROOPS
Tonight I picked up 42 cans for packaging of cookies to be baked to send to our LOVING DEDICATED men and women serving USA and other nations to LIVE FREE!
The gentleman who donated them recently lost his mom, and the siblings all agreed that their Currier & Ives collectible cans, from their loving MOM would best serve the cause for serving US TROOPS this holiday!
EMAIL me here to become part of the charity!
Updates on my life, I just finished another course in my doctoral degree, about a 98.76% earnedd, I should have the final grade tomorrow. It was an exhausting experience.
I hope to reach 100 followers today and if I DO I will have a second spooktacular surprise giveaway!
Hope you have a happy and safe weekend, treat yourself to all the PINK SATURDAY blogs with BEV at How Sweet The Sound!
Remember to donate to the cause as the month closes my goal is to go from $150 today to another $200, PLEASE help support the cause!
Remember to hug the ones you love, and those who need to feel loved!
I, am going to visit MANY blogs today and catch up on my blogships! Finished a doctoral 8 week class and have a few hours to spare today! Sipping my coffee and on my way... to you!
This I found on I think Bev's blog or one of the other blogers supporting Breast Cancer Awareness month and it touched my heart more than any I have seen. Butterflies are very special to me, read my poem Butterflies in thepages stored and you will see why!
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Friday, October 22, 2010
Dear PINK SATURDAY friends,
I am not feeling all that great this week. I have been battling severe asthma the entire month and yesterday was put on steriods and a Z-pack antibiotic to help reduce the inflamation and wheeze. I was added the advair inhaler 2 times a day last week with no relief and am just praying this does not turn into pneumonia from the bronchitis. All in all though a VERY PINK week. I have raised over $150 so far for the Mary Kay Ash Breast Cancer Awareness Foundation from my sales. This is a result of my donating 20% of my sales before tax from what customers have purchased so far this month. You do the math. I have done Mary Kay Skin Care & Glamour since the late 70's. Recently I have made the decision to go full-time and realize my dream, a secure life with a boss I can live with... ME! That is what my PINK Bubble is all about.
I searched the web for inspiration for today's PINK POST and all these items are available to purchase at Century NOVELTY gets my vote for being the most IN PINK AWARENESS for Breast Cancer Awarenesss
So why not go for PINK! Be sure to TOTE them along in your BC TOTE!!!!
Time for me to refill my coffee cup and surf the web, saying hi to all my PINK friends!
PLEASE stop by and visit BEV at How Sweet The Sound and be sure to tell her that the one and only
Here's a hug from Me to YOU! Have a BEARY PINK DAY!
I am not feeling all that great this week. I have been battling severe asthma the entire month and yesterday was put on steriods and a Z-pack antibiotic to help reduce the inflamation and wheeze. I was added the advair inhaler 2 times a day last week with no relief and am just praying this does not turn into pneumonia from the bronchitis. All in all though a VERY PINK week. I have raised over $150 so far for the Mary Kay Ash Breast Cancer Awareness Foundation from my sales. This is a result of my donating 20% of my sales before tax from what customers have purchased so far this month. You do the math. I have done Mary Kay Skin Care & Glamour since the late 70's. Recently I have made the decision to go full-time and realize my dream, a secure life with a boss I can live with... ME! That is what my PINK Bubble is all about.
Visit my website to help donate to the Cure for the Cause through your purchase
or Call me 607-547-2073
or email me
I will tell where to send your donation!
If every visitor were to donate just ONE DOLLAR in the NAME of the CURE, we would be that much closer... I am a survivir now of 10 years. You never know when that CALL will come or whose life you know that Breast Cancer will AFFECT and thus effect yours as well!
I searched the web for inspiration for today's PINK POST and all these items are available to purchase at Century NOVELTY gets my vote for being the most IN PINK AWARENESS for Breast Cancer Awarenesss
Adorable PINK BC baby booties
A laynyard for you and one for your BFF!
Satiny Smooth!
TWO TOO PRETTY PINK METALLIC, one for you and one for your BFF!
So why not go for PINK! Be sure to TOTE them along in your BC TOTE!!!!
I am having a PINKALICIOUS ONLINE PARTY! Send me your picture in PINK via email and get a BOGO COUPON of anything PINK!
Time for me to refill my coffee cup and surf the web, saying hi to all my PINK friends!
PLEASE stop by and visit BEV at How Sweet The Sound and be sure to tell her that the one and only
SENT you by!
Here's a hug from Me to YOU! Have a BEARY PINK DAY!
Saturday, October 16, 2010
As the rain falls heavily throughout this weekend, I can only awaken my love for the PINKS in store for the Christmas season. Halloweedn has yet to come, but the stores are already bespectacled with pinks , pinks, and more pinks!
I for one love to decorate in the VICTORIAN pink and rose hues. Some of my favortie memories of holidays past were filled with all my lovely pink ornaments and accent pieces now loing gone. As I scour the flea markets, thrit shops and goodwill stations I am ever on the search for similar items I lost when everything I owned was auctioned off last March while severely ill and later recuperating in a nursing home.
If I could find my beautiful Victorian musical snowglobe that would be the one thing I would cherish most next to the lost pictures of my babies childhood Christmases.
Pinks in store for met to find.
All trees can be found at Treetopia!
I can BEARLY wait for my PINK Christmas, only 71 days!
I for one love to decorate in the VICTORIAN pink and rose hues. Some of my favortie memories of holidays past were filled with all my lovely pink ornaments and accent pieces now loing gone. As I scour the flea markets, thrit shops and goodwill stations I am ever on the search for similar items I lost when everything I owned was auctioned off last March while severely ill and later recuperating in a nursing home.
If I could find my beautiful Victorian musical snowglobe that would be the one thing I would cherish most next to the lost pictures of my babies childhood Christmases.
Pinks in store for met to find.
Table Topper size trees!
All trees can be found at Treetopia!
These pair of Santas are so cute!
What would Christmas in PINKLAND be without PINK ornaments?
I found these beautiful PINK butterfly ornaments on EBAY.
I think my house will be a very PINK Christmas this year!
Well, I have had a long night and am going to close now.
Please be sure to leave a comment and remember to leave a comment to be in the PINK giveaway! One lucky winner will receive a totallly PINK giftbasket from me filled with PINK treasures I find!
PLEASE SUPPORT PINK this month in honor of
Breast Cancer Awareness MONTH!
Visit my PINK BUBBLE and I will donate 20& of your purchase to the
Thank you BEV at How Sweet The Sound or weekly host and please visit her for more GREAT PINK LINKS!
Please stop by Genie at Buttons for Baga one of PS newest bloggers! I visited her last Saturday and she has the most adorable blog!
Saturday, October 9, 2010
DO you know that more men are being diagnosed with breast cancer than ever before? This week at the college where I teach the nursing department sponsored a bulletin board on breast cancer awareness (and of course I had my Mary Kay cards there to help raise money for Breast Cancer Research for the Mary Kay Ash Foundation. What I learned was shocking! Please forgive me if my pictures alarm you, but they re intended to INFORM you! The silent sleeper kills more than we realize! Here's the scoop!
BREAST CANCER is deadly and often a silent killer, it effects both MEN and Women. Many websites offer the symptoms and what to look for and how to perform your own breast examine in the shower. You should do this weekly! Visit any of these sites to offer you help, advice, grants and to give charitable donations to help find the CURE for the CAUSE!
Many of my followers may have read my own personal story. After more than 20 years of complaining to doctors I finally got one to listen and yes I had a lumpectomy. I consider myself exremely lucky, I know an angel was watching over me! Without a great deal of fight in my to survive I might not be here today! My angel is my mother! She died 22 years ago at the age of 62, to cancer, melanoma that spread internally. I have no digital picture of her to upload but believe me she is an angel!
There are angels among us watching and caring
Ones who are there in the dark of the night,
Giving their love, their guidance, and hugs
Holding us close when the tears overflow...
Whispering softly into our ears, drying our tears
Angels from Heaven and footprints in the sand
Loving and cared for, not by MAN, but God.
Soothing the heartache and heartbreaks of life
Shadows cease that danced through our minds,
No longer muddled, confused, and distressed...
The anger resides and we fight from within,
Sisters united, all for one cause, to be sure -
Answers untold that only God holds, tomorrow
Is a gift that we each want to hold. The days
Do not drift gently by, we laugh and weep some die..
My beautiful daughter Jenni, 26 a veternarian student in TX and her brother, Joey, 23 a Lance Corporal Marine serving in Afghanistan!
My gorgeous son and his beautiful fiance Renee to be married Mother's Day weekend 2011!
My son Lance Corporal Joseph D. Hranek on the night he was deployed this July, please PRAY for him!
Joey & Renee, the first time I met her was this past December after my recuperating from a serious illness and relapse of depression and severe spinal pain, and fibromylagia.
I am standing by near my phone, answering calls about CANS FOR COOKIES US TROOPS. The phone has beemn ringing non-stop! Have you volunteered yet to bake or send cookies overseas or here stateside?
EMAIL ME HERE and visit here to LEARN all about it! Add your loved ones to the mailing list! I have linked up locally with the ARMORY in UTICA NY and stay tuned for details on our HUGE event November 5th!
On the go soon, rescuing my sanity, got to go buy some COFFEE BEANS, I wonder if they have any in PINK! PLEASE consider my Mary Kay fundraiser for Breast Cancer research!
I bearly get through the day without my JAVA beans, SUMATRA is my favorite ever!
This month as it is BREAST CANCER AWARENESS MONTH, I personally donate 20% of all my sales to the MARY KAY ASH BREAST CANCER FOUNDATION. I have reached $110.00 in donations and would love to increase it to at least $500! Maybe you might help out, and do some holiday shopping, in turn donating to the CAUSE for the CURE!
Have a PINK HEART and donate somewhere today! HELP us find the cure for the deadliest disease and PLEASE have a yearly mammogram if you are 40 or older!
DO you know that more men are being diagnosed with breast cancer than ever before? This week at the college where I teach the nursing department sponsored a bulletin board on breast cancer awareness (and of course I had my Mary Kay cards there to help raise money for Breast Cancer Research for the Mary Kay Ash Foundation. What I learned was shocking! Please forgive me if my pictures alarm you, but they re intended to INFORM you! The silent sleeper kills more than we realize! Here's the scoop!
BREAST CANCER is deadly and often a silent killer, it effects both MEN and Women. Many websites offer the symptoms and what to look for and how to perform your own breast examine in the shower. You should do this weekly! Visit any of these sites to offer you help, advice, grants and to give charitable donations to help find the CURE for the CAUSE!
Many of my followers may have read my own personal story. After more than 20 years of complaining to doctors I finally got one to listen and yes I had a lumpectomy. I consider myself exremely lucky, I know an angel was watching over me! Without a great deal of fight in my to survive I might not be here today! My angel is my mother! She died 22 years ago at the age of 62, to cancer, melanoma that spread internally. I have no digital picture of her to upload but believe me she is an angel!
There are angels among us watching and caring
Ones who are there in the dark of the night,
Giving their love, their guidance, and hugs
Holding us close when the tears overflow...
Whispering softly into our ears, drying our tears
Angels from Heaven and footprints in the sand
Loving and cared for, not by MAN, but God.
Soothing the heartache and heartbreaks of life
Shadows cease that danced through our minds,
No longer muddled, confused, and distressed...
The anger resides and we fight from within,
Sisters united, all for one cause, to be sure -
Answers untold that only God holds, tomorrow
Is a gift that we each want to hold. The days
Do not drift gently by, we laugh and weep some die..
Prayers lift us up into God's arms we shall be,
Many a reason we have to want to live,
Our children, our loved ones, our spirit
If but one life I can change with awareness today,
Then I will rest when it is my day to join GOD
And the angels watching over me still,
Sisters in FAITH, do what you WILL,
But WILL yourself to live and be blessed!
Each day I live to the fullest without regrets,
Thanking God for another day spared,
A day to remember those whom I love,
Another chance to spread the word,
Believe in miracles, they are among us, I am one.
Poems My Way Valrie 10/09/2010
PLEASE check yourself regulary, at least ONCE a week. If you have pain let your doctor know. Color change, lumps, cystitis, rashes, are ALL signs of cancer! It only takes a minute and it just might SAVE your life!
These are 2 reasons for me to live on and continue breast cancer awareness! My daughter and her fiance. DId you know because I have the history, she is more likely to also be effected! I plan on being here to make her aware!My beautiful daughter Jenni, 26 a veternarian student in TX and her brother, Joey, 23 a Lance Corporal Marine serving in Afghanistan!
My gorgeous son and his beautiful fiance Renee to be married Mother's Day weekend 2011!
My son Lance Corporal Joseph D. Hranek on the night he was deployed this July, please PRAY for him!
Joey & Renee, the first time I met her was this past December after my recuperating from a serious illness and relapse of depression and severe spinal pain, and fibromylagia.
I am standing by near my phone, answering calls about CANS FOR COOKIES US TROOPS. The phone has beemn ringing non-stop! Have you volunteered yet to bake or send cookies overseas or here stateside?
EMAIL ME HERE and visit here to LEARN all about it! Add your loved ones to the mailing list! I have linked up locally with the ARMORY in UTICA NY and stay tuned for details on our HUGE event November 5th!
On the go soon, rescuing my sanity, got to go buy some COFFEE BEANS, I wonder if they have any in PINK! PLEASE consider my Mary Kay fundraiser for Breast Cancer research!
I bearly get through the day without my JAVA beans, SUMATRA is my favorite ever!

I live in a world of PINK!!!!
Enter today and have your chance to win a PINK GLAMOUR COMPACT!!! JUST leave a comment and your email so I can contact you when you win!!!!
This was my first major event after having had my lumpectomy and recovering from severe depression in 2006. I was a STAR ACHIEVER my first quarter back in the business and my NSD took us out on the town, putting on the GLITZ!
THE man who has put the LIFE bacjk into my LIFE! My one and only BOB! I love you!!!!

May God Bless you and Keep you safe from HARM.
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